
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Favorite Quotes

Salaam All,
So remember how I told you that I love to collect quotes, well I'm going to dedicate this post to some of my favorite quotes, Currently I'm reading a book called "Instruction of the Student, The Method of Learning" By Imam Al -Zarnuji , the original Arabic title is "Ta-lim al-Muta'allim Tariq al-Ta'allum", It's pretty interesting so far, after I'm done reading it I will post lessons that I learned from it/ my favorite parts of it..Inshallah

So Here are some of my favorite quotes/sayings:

If all the water was to become ink it wouldnt be enough to write the greatness of Allah

All that is gold does not glitter; not all those that wander are lost."By J.R.R. Tolkien

Character is what you are; reputation is what you try to make people think you are.

War does not determine who is right-War determines who is left.

Be nice to everyone you meet, they're fighting a battle you know nothing about

Now out of fear you desire to die (But) even after death, if you do not find peace, where will you go?Now, overpowered by calamities and problems, you desire to die and you consider death a solution to all your problems, but if, after death, you do not find peace in the grave, if you do not find peace on the Day of Qiyaamah, if you do not find peace on the Pul Siraat and you are deprived of entry in Jannah, then where will you go?--urdu poet

Yes, we love peace, but we are not willing to take wounds for it, as we are for war. - John Andrew Holmes

“Bra Lapisht brabe magar muqader la lay khodabe” (Even if a brother supports his brother, God’s decree can overcome them none-the-less)--kurdish proverb

"Solo le pido a Dios Que la guerra no me sea indiferente" (Lenny from Outlandish, a Danish music group)

We will show them our proofs in the horizons, and within themselves, until they realize that this is the truth. Is your Lord not sufficient as a witness of all things?Quran 41:53 ---[3:60]

Surely, the case of Jesus with Allah is like the case of Adam. He created him out of dust, then he said to him, "Be', and he was. (Quran)

And among His Signs are the ships, smooth-running through the ocean, (tall) as mountains. (Quran, Surah Shura)

Life without repentance is spiritual agony; to be absent from God is immediate death. Life and death both are sweet with God’s presence: without God even the Water of Life is fire. by. Mathnawi

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Shed Crazy From Your Life

Salam Everyone,

Here is an article on various ways to shed craziness from your life:

Khaliji Hijab Style

Shalom Everyone!

I love love love hijab styles and I'm always looking for different ways to put on the hijab,
I love collecting and buying hijabs, I should go to a hijab rehab program or something lol, I belive that a muslimah can never have enough hijabs :D
for those of you readers who don't know that the hijab is , its the scarf that Muslim women wear on their heads. This is a style that I ran into today, I really like it and I want to try it tommorow, heres the video , Enjoy!

[[BTW Khaliji refers to Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE]]

My First Post

Hello Everyone!

This is my first blog post, I made a blog a long time ago once upon a time but I never used it.

Soo..what inspired me to start a blog...well..I wanted a place where I could express myself and keep track of everything that is going on in my life..So who exactly am I??

Well... I am going to be a freshman in the fall at the University of Washington (Yay, I'm going to be a Husky :D). I am both excited and nervous at the same time but I'm happy because I already have a group of freinds who already go there who will be my support group and help me adjust and transit to my new life as a university student. I still haven't decided what I want to major in, I want to study health sciences, and I also want to study the Arabic language (there's so much I want do ).

So what do I plan to do on this blog?? I plan on writing snippets about my life,posting poetry,news articles, religous discussions, music, fashion, hijab styles, everything and anything that I find interesting. I will try to critique and post my thoughts about things that I post (if I'm not feeling lazy).

I love life and love learning, I think everyday is a new learning oppurtunity. I want to make the best of this life while I'm here on Earth.